Saturday 21 June 2014

[Maine-birds] C. Goldeneye, Monson, 6.21.14

My husband Paul and I hiked a few miles in on the Appalachian Trail just north of Monson this afternoon. On a small beaver pond we startled a Common Goldeneye hen with seven chicks. When she flew off for a couple of minutes, the fuzzy little things peeped really loudly. After she returned, we watched her chase another hen across the pond before settling in to feed with her brood.

Other highlights included:
C. Raven chased by a grackle
Winter Wren singing 
Swainson's Thrush singing 
and a handful of expected warblers, including Black-throated Blue, Blackburnian, N. Parula, Nashville

Also, some lingering white lady's slippers or moccasin flowers, and flowering pitcher plants in the bog around the beaver pond, among other wildflowers.


Kristen Lindquist
12 Mount Battie St.
Camden, ME 04843

"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
--Mary Oliver

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