Tuesday 17 June 2014

[Maine-birds] Ducktrap River Preserve, Lincolnville, 6.17.14

My husband Paul and I did a short survey for Coastal Mountains Land Trust at the Ducktrap River Preserve this morning. The woods were very thrush-y: singing Swainson's Thrush, at least 2 pairs of Hermit Thrushes, and several Veerys were a highlight. Also, Blue-headed Vireo, Winter Wren, Scarlet Tanager, 11 species of warbler including several Blackburnians singing in the hemlocks, and a shrieking raven which we later saw at a road-killed squirrel. 

Interesting flora included a few Moccasin Flowers (Pink Lady's Slipper) still in bloom. 

Kristen Lindquist
12 Mount Battie St.
Camden, ME 04843

"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
--Mary Oliver

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