Sunday 29 October 2017

[Maine-birds] YELLOW-THROATED WARBLERS, Monhegan, update: Make that 3

Re-located this morning what I presumed was one of the YELLOW-THROATED WARBLERS of the two birds I found yesterday on the Monhegan breakwater. It was hanging out with a parula, some chickadees, and a single Eastern Bluebird behind the parsonage, then flew north. A little later at Swim Beach I observed a single Yellow-throated Warbler feeding in the wrack and fly-catching from the rocks. As it was posing nicely my for photographs, I saw two birds fly across the beach from the north and land on the eaves of the Red House: both also Yellow-throated Warblers! So my joke yesterday about there maybe being three wasn't a joke after all. Eventually all three birds were relatively near each other on the beach. Before they flew off, I tried really hard to get them together in one photo, or even a video b/c they were moving so much, but only succeeded with two at a time.

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