Monday 20 May 2019

[Maine-birds] 20 species warbler in Florida Lake fallout, 5/20

After 14 years of birding Florida Lake Park as often as everywhere else combined in spring, I finally hit 20 species of warblers there in one morning! 

I've hit 19 species many, many times, but could never hit the magic number. After two days in a row with 16 species at the park, Jeannette and I were not planning on heading there this am. Especially going to bed with thunderstorms around, we were not expecting a big morning. But this morning, the radar sure made it look like there were a lot birds in the air between lines of rain overnight. I was still skeptical until I had a few dozen warblers in a Morning Flight over our yard while filling the feeders early this am. So we raced over to Florida Lake Park. 

It started slow, and we even considered heading elsewhere, but then the pond edges started to blow up. Here's the scorecard:

60+ Magnolia Warblers

50+ American Redstarts

40+ Yellow-rumped Warblers

25+ Black-and-white Warblers

24 Common Yellowthroats

~18 Northern Parulas 

14 Black-throated Green Warblers

11 Ovenbirds

5 Blackburnian Warblers


4 Canada Warblers

4 Black-throated Blue Warblers

4 Yellow Warblers

3 Wilson's Warblers


3 Blackpoll Warblers

3 Nashville Warblers

2 Chestnut-sided Warblers

2 Northern Waterthrushes

1 Pine Warbler (I have missed hitting 20 by Pine Warbler which breeds here on a number of occasions. We saw a silent, foraging bird on the backside of the lake to hit the milestone)

Mission accomplished!


Sent from my iPhone


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