Friday 24 May 2019

[Maine-birds] Monhegan, 5.24.19

My husband Paul and I arrived late morning on the island. Despite the continuing bleak weather, the birding was just as exciting as when I left the island on Monday. Began seeing warblers as we walked up from the boat—always a good sign—as well as a male SUMMER TANAGER. 

We were tipped off to a WHITE-WINGED DOVE at Donna Cundy's feeders, so headed up there after checking in. The dove came down to the suet while we were there, as did 6 different Scarlet Tanagers (5 males, 1 female). Nice looks at a female Canada Warbler grazing on the lawn, too. 

Ended up spending most of the afternoon near Jamie Wyeth's house, where many warblers were actively feeding on the rocks and in the spruces, heedless of observers, including at least a dozen Blackburnian, Bay-breasted, many Magnolia, BT Blue, BT Green, man Am. Redstarts, Cape May, and others. Saw a Merlin pass over a couple of times; maybe it wanted more of a challenge? Other highlights for us included 2-3 Yellow-bellied Flycatchers, 2-3 Philadelphia Vireos, a Warbling Vireo, a Swainson's Thrush, and a big flock of Cedar Waxwings eating juniper berries very close to us. Also, a male cardinal attacking his reflection in a truck's rear-view mirror. 

Not seen by us but reported was a BLUE-WINGED WARBLER in that same area. A KENTUCKY WARBLER reported out here a couple days ago doesn't seem to have been seen since.

A very satisfying day of birding, even if we didn't range very far or tally a zillion species.

Kristen Lindquist

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