Wednesday 20 December 2017

[Maine-birds] Greater Portland CBC Summary

The Greater Portland CBC took place last Saturday, December 16 with 58 birders covering 14 territories around the circle. The teams tallied 94 species on count day, plus two more for the count week. The day was clear and bright with great visibility and calm seas, but count numbers were only average with no high counts for coastal species, although 12 Great Blue Herons did tie the previous high. On the terrestrial side the only significant high count was an unusual (for Greater Portland) "conspiracy" of 18 Common Ravens, sections of which were seen by several groups. Other notable finds were a Snowy Owl, 3 Peregrine Falcons, a Northern Shrike, an Indigo Bunting, Chipping Sparrow, and 2  Red Crossbills.  But by far the most unusual and unexpected bird was a male Painted Bunting that has been visiting an area feeder for the past several weeks—a flashy bird for the 200th species on record for this count over the years.

Happy Holidays,

Bill Hancock




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