Monday 27 August 2012

[Maine-birds] swift rescue article in Bangor Daily News

A friend of mine, Carole Whelan, was instrumental in doing the rescue of two nestling swifts that she took to Avian Haven in Freedom.  Diane Winn is very experienced at raising these birds from a young age, not an easy job at all since they are extremely fragile from many aspects in the rehab environment.  You can read about this here: 

and thanks to Carole and to Diane and Marc, these birds will have a chance to live their truly aerial life!  

Here in Rockport, I haven't seen swifts for a number of years. 

amy campbell

amy campbell

"My ears filled with the dozy hum of bees and those tiny and odd insect sounds that rise up all around, the sounds mingling in my mind with the good, deep smell of earthy life." Elisabeth Tova Bailey, in The Sound of a Wild Snail Eating

"what did you do
once you knew?"
Drew Dellinger


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