Saturday 22 June 2013

[Maine-birds] a morning with the birds

Things were pretty quiet here at Highland Lake this morning until the neighbors cat came down the path to the water (fortunately it wears a bell).  That's when all the local birds came out to scold the cat: a robin, a titmouse, the chickadees, a couple red-winged blackbirds, all pitched in to show their displeasure.
Since I finally found a morning to be here at the lake and not out rushing around, I found out about all the birds that likely have nests right around the house:
the chickadees are still going in and out of the bird house, I image their hatchlings will be leaving the nest soon,
there are 2 purple finch fledglings begging for food form the busy female,
I suspect a pair of titmouse,
a robin has been carrying food around,
there's a pair of red-eyed vireo,
theirs a pair of chipping sparrow,
I've been hearing a Baltimore oriole,
I often hear a great-crested flycatcher, and
I saw a female black-throated green warbler collecting nesting material on the ground a few weeks ago.
Nice and mostly peaceful morning!

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