Friday 27 September 2013

[Maine-birds] Long-Billed Dowitcher Eastern Rd and Sandy Point this morning

I checked out the pannes late this afternoon off the Eastern Rd in the Scarborough Marsh and found a juvenile Long-Billed Dowitcher. As expected, shorebird numbers were low, but 7 juvenile Pectoral Sandpipers, 4 Northern Pintails, at least 3 Gadwall, and a calling Great-Horned Owl made up for it.
I went to Sandy Point at Cousin's Island this morning from 6:35 to 8:15 to observe the morning flight. I originally intended to at least count every migrant passing over the bridge knowing that I would be able to ID very few of them, but I could not keep up even though the flight was on the light side by the standards here. I eventually spent more time on the trail looking for birds on the ground. At least 400 migrants passed overhead while I was there with Yellow-Rumps probably leading the way as far as warblers. I heard that call more than any other anyway. Still most of my flight photos seemed to be Parulas, and good numbers of Golden-Crowned and Ruby-Crowned Kinglets were seen and heard. Northern Flickers are still going strong with at least 70 crossing this morning conservatively. I need a LOT of practice here! If I could ID 10% of what small passerines fly overhead, I would be greatly improved. Fun place!
Bird haahd,
Noah Gibb-Portland  


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