Monday 26 May 2014

[Maine-birds] Intervale Marshes - May 26

We birded early on the St Lawrence and Atlantic RR roadbed (New Gloucester) , down to the big marsh. Three of us put a lot of effort into finding continuing Blue-winged Warblers, but dipped. They just didn't perform today.

Other highlights included Olive-sided Fly, and Alder.\, Willow, Least Flies, as well as Phoebes and E Kingbirds.

12 spp. of warblers, including singing Wilson's Warbler.

4 Sandhill Cranes; including two that flew in high, then turned and split for parts unknown.

The American Bittern in the roadside wetlands near the start did his show, and 3 other Va. Rails also did their thing.

Also lots of bobolink activity and Rosy Gros singing and chasing.

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