Sunday 25 May 2014

[Maine-birds] Monhegan, 5.25.14

Today was a very birdy day on the island, Brewer's Sparrow aside. Warblers and other birds apparently came in droves over the night. I had 15 warblers this morning before Paul was even awake, and we ended the day with 20 thanks to finding, among others, Prairie, Bay-breasted (young male, and later a full adult male), and Blackburnian. It was such a joy to walk to Lobster Cove this morning and hear singing waterthrushes, Tennessee Warbler, Field Sparrow, and others. Finally saw a thrush other than a robin--Hermit--though other thrushes were seen by others throughout the day, as well as flycatchers. The Meadow was looking like a major truck stop along the kingbird highway, with dozens of E. Kingbirds playing musical chairs on the perches. And everywhere we went, birds! This was one of those good Monhegan birding days that you hear about.

Other interesting birds of the day besides Maine's possible first Brewer's Sparrow, which held court down at the Ice Pond this morning, included:

Clay-colored Sparrow-1 behind the school; great to see right after the Brewer's for contrast
Lincoln's Sparrow-1 singing 
White-crowned Sparrow-1 (sparrow #9 for the day)
Philly Vireo-several
Cliff Swallow-1 in the Meadow along with the continuing Bank (1), Barm (2+), and Tree
Yellow-bellied, Least, and Alder Flycatchers
Indigo Bunting-several, always worth noting because so pretty 
C. Nighthawk-1, seen by Derek Lovitch's group and later heard by the paparazzi gathered at the Brewer's Sparrow
C. Raven carrying an egg
Virginia Rail-1+ calling (a lot) in the Meadow 
Spotted Sandpiper-1 at Ice Pond

Also seen, but not by us:
Summer Tanager-1 in Lobster Cove
Orchard Oriole-1-2
Swamp Sparrow-1 in Lobster Cove marsh

I'm sure I'm forgetting some cool things, too. Glad we're here one more night.


Kristen Lindquist
12 Mount Battie St.
Camden, ME 04843

"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
--Mary Oliver

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