Wednesday 24 September 2014

[Maine-birds] Monhegan highlights (YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD, CONNECTICUT WARBLER, etc.), 9.24.14

The YELLOW-HEADED BLACKBIRD continued to be seen flying over town throughout the day, including an amazing view from the lawn of the Trailing Yew (where I'm staying) when it perched atop a nearby spruce for awhile late this afternoon, affording much better looks than this morning's fly-over.

Bryan Pfeiffer reported a CONNECTICUT WARBLER on Burnt Head Trail this morning.

Other highlights not previously mentioned, most of these reported by others:
Dickcissel - 1 behind the school. (Birders should remember that school IS in session during normal school hours, so please be quiet and discreet when birding around the school.)
Clay-colored Sparrow - 1 bird apparently continuing near pumpkin patch
Sora - 1 in Meadow
Wood Duck - up to 4 reported throughout day; I saw 1 by the pump house early on
Scarlet Tanager - at least 1 
Warblers included Cape May, Blackburnian, Wilson's, Tennessee.
Red-headed Woodpecker continues. First sapsuckers showing up too.
And didn't someone say something about seeing or hearing White-crowned Sparrows today?

I also heard several rumors of possible Myiarchus-like flycatchers today, so if you're out here, keep your eyes open!

The perfect weather and excellent camaraderie of the island's birding visitors continues.


Kristen Lindquist
12 Mount Battie St.
Camden, ME 04843

"What is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?"
--Mary Oliver

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