Saturday 20 September 2014

[Maine-birds] Monhegan Island: 9/14 - 9/18 - Red-headed Woodpecker, Olive-sided Flycatcher, Lark Sparrow, Clay-colored Sparrow, Common Nighthawk, Blue-winged Warbler, Prairie Warbler, More

A wonderful trip to Monhegan Island (9/14 - 9/18) turned up many highlights and a chance to catch up with birding friends. Despite the lack of any strong systems, comfortable weather produced 95 species, including 15 warblers and 4 vireos. Highlights included:

Black-crowned Night-Heron - 1 Ice Pond 9/15
White-winged Scoter - 4 Lobster Cove 9/16
Greater Yellowlegs - 1 Ice Pond 9/14, 9/17
Solitary Sandpiper - 2 Ice Pond 9/14-9/16
American Woodcock - 1 Ice Pond 9/16
Lesser Black-backed Gull - 1 adult Harbor 9/14
Common Nighthawk - 1 Fish House 9/16
Red-headed Woodpecker - 1 juvenile 9/18
Olive-sided Flycatcher - 1 Blackhead Trail 9/17
Yellow-throated Vireo - 1 Winter Works 9/17, Lighthouse Rd. 9/18
Philadelphia Vireo - 5 9/15-9/18
Blue-winged Warbler - 1 Winter Works 9/17
Cape May Warbler - 2 9/15
Prairie Warbler - 1 Main Rd., Winter Works 9/15 + 9/18
Northern Waterthrush - 1 9/15
Lincoln's Sparrow - 1 Lighthouse 9/16
Clay-colored Sparrow - 1 Lobster Cove 9/16
Lark Sparrow - at least 2 9/15-9/18
Bobolink - at least 4 9/15-9/18
Baltimore Oriole - 20+ 9/18

We seemed to just miss Dickcissel and Blue Grosbeak on several occasions, and notable warbler misses included Nashville and Black-throated Blue. I'm continuing my work on "The Birds of Monhegan" book and appreciate any past or present sightings. Thanks.

Lakeshore Nature Tours

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