Thursday 26 February 2015

Re: [Maine-birds] Odd Duck, Damariscotta Mills

Mike Fahay's duck looks like an immature male Greater Scaup, as suggested by others. The wide, black tip is a character of male Greater Scaup. The pale band behind the wide, blackish tip is a character seen on female and immature scaup, especially as the bill color begins to change for summer. See these examples:

female and immature male Greater Scaup

immature male Greater Scaup showing prominent pale subterminal band and a bit more white in the face compared to the Damariscotta Mills bird, which may be more advanced in molt.

Could it be a hybrid? Redheads show a similar but more distinct pale subterminal band but a broader, complete black tip. A few hybrid Redhead x Greater Scaup are known, but I don't see anything on Mike's bird to suggest a hybrid with Redhead or any other Aythya duck (e.g. different head shape, back and sides being more similar with flanks less pale and contrasting, etc.) Wing characters might help. Here are some photos of adult male hybrids (from captive parents). A bid difficult to compare given Mike's bird is an immature male.

Examples of captive bred Redhead x Greater Scaup


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