Wednesday 20 May 2015

[Maine-birds] Apologies on the White-Faced Ibis misID earlier, Dowitcher ID Question, and a few other finds.

While standing on Pine Point waiting for my son's race to start this afternoon, a flock of about 35 shorebirds was flying probably about 1000' off shore. I was able to get off about 7 shots while they schooled like fish in the sky. Always beautiful to watch but impossible to ID them sometimes. They were gone in the usual instant (heading towards OOB). When I got home I found that they appeared to be Dowitchers(and 3 Ruddy Turnstones). Here are three pictures though as I am not sure if they are Long Billed, Short Billed or a combination. Thoughts or comments are welcomed. 

Other than these, there was a raft of about 15 White Winged Scoters and several Common Terns off the beach as well. 

At the Pelreco building I misidentified the White Faced Ibis. My sincerest apologies to anyone who made a try for it. There were about 25 Glossy Ibis spread around the marsh and the first few I looked at did not seem to have a noticeable white ring so when I saw one that did, I got a bit excited and sent the notice. Normally I don't tell the world for this very reason. That being said, there were plenty of great shots of Glossy Ibis. There was also a pair of LEAST TERN there out in the middle. There was also a pair of WILLET present. 

 Along the old road that goes out into the marsh across from the Scarborough Marsh Nature Center (the path that looks like an old road that leads to Dunstan Landing Road). There was WILLET and a couple of SONG SPARROWS right next to the path as well as a LITTLE BLUE HERON just across the river at the edge of the dead tree area. Farther out in the marsh there were a few SNOWY EGRETS and one GREAT EGRET. 

Rob O'Connell

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