Wednesday 20 June 2012

[Maine-birds] Red-bellied fledgling and more

We saw our first juv Red-bellied Woodpecker of the summer a few days ago (earlier than previous seasons) - and j hummer as well.

I find it very interesting to learn of nest success-failure. Generally, Maine Birds reports lots of first arrivals, big numbers, etc... but less of who fledged when, or what nest got whacked by some nasty predator, which, after all, is the essential stuff of the breeding season.

There are lots of us watching local yards and fields and I think it's worth sharing the comings and goings of the breeding season, as mundane as that might seem. Who's seen Great Crested Flycatchers with broods? Fun to know. How about them Red Sox - no I mean Bobolinks?

Best, Peter

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