Saturday 21 May 2016

[Maine-birds] Monhegan highlights, 5.21.16

Still loads of warblers around out here for another beautiful day on the island. I finally caught up with Tennessee, Black-throated Blue, and Canada today to bring my warbler tally up to 19. There's an Ovenbird out there that wants to be #20, I think...

I lied when I said there were no flycatchers yesterday. There were quite a few Eastern Kingbirds in the Meadow, and today an Eastern Wood-pewee was singing all day behind the brewery. Donna reported a Least Flycatcher in her yard; Pat Moynahan told me she saw a Least and a Traill's today, too.

Other highlights of the day:

Great Blue Heron - Jeremiah Trimble saw a flock of 10 land on Nigh Duck
Am. Woodcock - 1 doing its thing in, we think, the cemetery. Can't get enough of them.
Virginia Rail - 1 calling Meadow tonight 
Cedar Waxwings - 20+
Warbling Vireo - 3
Philadelphia Vireo - 1-2, seen by several people but not me
LARK SPARROW - 1 under Matt and Mary Webber's bird feeder, seen by many
CLAY-COLORED SPARROW - 1+ individuals seen in a few different spots (alas, not by me, but not for lack of trying)
Indigo Bunting - 1 
Scarlet Tanager - 1 female
I think I'm forgetting some stuff, but you get the idea. Good times.


Kristen Lindquist

"Be kind whenever possible. It is always possible." 
--Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

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