Sunday 29 May 2016

[Maine-birds] Seaside Sparrow location

A decade or more ago, Seaside Sparrow could be found (not all years) at a small wildlife refuge near the corner of Southgate and Manson Libby Rd.  Turn south onto Southgate Road off of Route 1(first intersection west of Haigis Parkway.  Follow Southgate to Manson Libby Rd.  On the right near the intersection there is a tow that one can see when walking into the marsh from the refuge I mentioned.  Turn right onto Manson Libby Rd and very soon take another right into a tiny parking lot by the refuge building.  The refuge and the building may no longer be there, as I can't see anything on Google Earth.  At any rate, there was a trail to the march from this parking lot.  The trail went through a copse of woodland, then into a field that sloped down into the marsh.  If present, Seaside Sparrows were on in the pond areas to the right as one entered the marsh, along a tidal channel.

Locals will kindly correct me if this wildlife refuge is no longer present, and/or if there is still a trail to the marsh and how that trail might be accessed. 


Bruce Bartrug
Nobleboro, Maine, USA

•The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.  - Albert Einstein
•In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends. -Martin Luther King

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