Friday 15 September 2017

[Maine-birds] Additional Highlights This Week, 9/9-15

Hi all,

There were some birds away from Sandy Point this week! My other observations of note included:
- Cap'n Fish Whale Watch, Boothbay Harbor, 9/10 (with Pat Moynahan):
1 Pomarine Jaeger
4 Red Phalaropes
4 Great Shearwaters
13 Wilson's Storm-Petrels
~150 Northern Gannets
- 2 Common Nighhawks, over Route 1, Brunswick, 9/10 (with Pat Moynahan)
- 2 female Northern Pintails, Great Pond, Biddeford Pool, 9/11 (with Jeannette).
- 3 Ring-necked Ducks, 7 Blue-winged Teal, etc, Sanford Lagoons, Sanford, 9/12 (with Jeannette).
- 3 NORTHERN SHOVELERS, Eastern Road, Scarborough Marsh, 9/15 (with Barbara Carlson).

Meanwhile, my shorebird high counts for the week were as follows:
Black-bellied Plover: 15, Hill's Beach, Biddeford, 9/11 (with Jeannette).
AMERICAN GOLDEN-PLOVER: 1 juv, Eastern Road, 9/15 (with Barbara Carlson).
Semipalmated Plover: 100+, Hill's Beach, Biddeford, 9/11 (with Jeannette).
Killdeer: 21, Thornhurst Farm, North Yarmouth, 9/14.
Spotted Sandpiper: 1, Eastern Road, 9/15 (with Barbara Carlson).
Greater Yellowlegs: 30, Eastern Road, 9/15 (with Barbara Carlson).
Lesser Yellowlegs: 42, Sanford Lagoons, 9/12 (with Jeannette).
Red Knot: 2, Hill's Beach, 9/11 (with Jeannette).
Sanderling: 160, Biddeford Pool Beach, Biddeford, 9/11 (with Jeannette).
Semipalmated Sandpiper: 125, Yarmouth Town Landing, 9/13.
Least Sandpiper: 15, Eastern Road, 9/15 (Barbara Carlson).
White-rumped Sandpiper: 5, Eastern Road, 9/15 (with Barbara Carlson).
Pectoral Sandpiper: 9, Sanford Lagoons, 9/12 (with Jeannette).
Dunlin: 8, Hill's Beach, 9/11 (with Jeannette).
STILT SANDPIPER: 3, Eastern Road, 9/15 (with Barbara Carlson), and 2 juv, Sanford Lagoons, 9/12 (with Jeannette).
Short-billed Dowitcher: 32, Eastern Road, 9/15 (with Barbara Carlson).
RED PHALAROPE: 4, off Boothbay Harbor, 9/10 (with Pat Moynahan).

And finally, I summarized my 5-day run at Sandy Point, including a table of each day's count, a little analysis and radar interpretation, and some photos from the week, on this blog entry:

 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch
 Freeport Wild Bird Supply
 541 Route One, Suite 10
 Freeport, ME 04032


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