Saturday 23 September 2017

[Maine-birds] Monhegan update, 9.23.17

I've taken a few days off from sharing an update from out here, because I was hanging out with non-birding friends, and also because the birding has not been peak, shall we say. However, there have been some interesting birds observed over the past three days.

Most exciting, though not so much today as the previous two days, has been the raptor show: Merlin, American Kestrel, and Peregrine Falcon have been common and dynamic overhead, as have Sharpies. The occasional Northern Harrier, one big fat Cooper's Hawk, one Osprey, and repeated sightings of Bald Eagles have added to the variety. 

The YELLOW-CROWNED NIGHT-HERON continues at the Ice Pond, generally seen late afternoons (although I confess I don't know if it was seen today). 

A Black-bellied Plover was seen and/or heard by several birders today. 

Bill Sheehan reported seeing a Bay-breasted Warbler at the brewery today. Yesterday and today two Nashville Warblers were reliable in a traveling flock with chickadees, other warblers, Ruby-crowned Kinglets, and a Blue-headed Vireo. Warblers were generally found in ones or twos, frustratingly, although this morning there was a definite uptick in Yellow-rumps. 

Others today reported a Philadelphia Vireo, and I heard at least one report of a DICKCISSEL, though we had as many as three around a few days ago. 

Two RUSTY BLACKBIRDS flew over the Meadow this morning. Yesterday, several Bobolink fly-overs. 

Jeremiah Trimble had a (the earlier?) RED-HEADED WOODPECKER fly-over at the north end of the island. 

I've heard three different reports of a Carolina Wren calling, in the Lobster Cove Rd. vicinity. 

I'm probably forgetting some cool things, because many of these are second-hand observations. Hope I have more to report soon!

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