Monday 25 September 2017

[Maine-birds] Monhegan update, 9.25.17

I'll come right out and be honest and say that I wasn't birding all that seriously today. Friends were leaving, friends were arriving, trails were hiked, hearts games were played. That said, however, I started off my day with some Blackpoll Warblers and 3 fly-over DICKCISSELS. And not long after that, a Peregrine and a flyover Black-throated Blue Warbler. Peregrines and Merlins were infrequent but consistent throughout the day.

Jeremiah Trimble (and later, I and others) observed a MOURNING WARBLER near the "loop" end of the road below the church this morning, in the same bush with the first White-crowned Sparrow of my stay and a CLAY-COLORED SPARROW. 

Jeremiah also reported several Indigo Buntings, which have been a no-show until today out here, as well as a late Canada Warbler.

I neglected to mention yesterday that my husband Paul spotted an ATLANTIC PUFFIN from the boat late yesterday afternoon on his way back to Port Clyde. It wasn't close enough to count as a Monhegan bird, but seems worthy of note this late in the season. 

No. Gannets still streaming past, Great Cormorants still hanging out on the rocks below White Head. Even a slow day on Monhegan feels exciting and worthwhile.

Hopefully someone who was beating the bushes on the island today will now chime in with some other sightings!


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