Friday 29 September 2017

[Maine-birds] Monhegan update, 9.29.17

Today was my last full day on the island , so this is probably my last post unless I stumble upon something really crazy tomorrow morning before I go. (And with all the birders on the island this weekend, I encourage someone else to post once in awhile too!)

By far the highlight of the day was a SHORT-EARED OWL observed (and photographed) by Bill Thompson. Unlike yesterday's warbler fiasco, this was a sure thing, but, alas, only a fly-over bird, and Bill is the only person I've heard of seeing it. An awesome island bird! 

Bird numbers in general were up today, and pockets of birds were to be found all over the island. I noted more warblers and vireos today than probably any other day over the past two weeks, in addition to a great raptor show: several Sharpies in the air at a time, Peregrines chasing Peregrines, harriers, Ospreys... 

Warblers seen today included Pine, Prairie, small groups of Palms, ORANGE-CROWNED, Nashville, Black-and-White, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, and many Yellow-rumps. Also, many kinglets of both varieties, 8+ Blue-headed Vireos, and several flyover Dickcissels and Baltimore Orioles.

Picked up 3 Indigo Buntings and more Dark-eyed Juncos at seed in the road. 

On top of it all, it was one of the most beautiful days of the season thus far. Very grateful to have been here for such a long stretch, seeing so many good friends old and new. 


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