Tuesday 12 January 2021

[Maine-birds] Allagash atlas stuff

I spent two days around Chamberlain Bridge in the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, doing some surveys for the Winter Bird Atlas. (See: Maine Bird Atlas: Maine Dept of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife.)



A male black-backed woodpecker about a mile north of Chamberlain Bridge.

A female black-backed woodpecker about a mile west of Chamberlain Bridge

A northern shrike about a quarter mile south of Chamberlain Bridge.


Humorously, I had more black-backed woodpeckers than hairy or pileated.


The finches have deserted the area. I had three pine grosbeaks, and two flyover red crossbills, but no other finches. Last year was so LOUD! Now, it’s pretty dead – maybe the quietest I’ve ever seen it. Even the routine birds were pretty subdued.


Still, conditions were ideal and I can’t complain. Will return soon to knock off some more blocks.


Bob Duchesne


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