Friday 31 August 2018

[Maine-birds] Monhegan, 8.25-8.28.18

I was out on Monhegan this past weekend. While I wasn't actively birding while I was there (i.e. did not use my binoculars once), I thought I'd share a few observations for those who might wonder what goes on out there bird-wise when it's not peak migration time. 

The island did not get any of the summer rainstorms we got on the mainland and is in a drought right now. The Ice Pond is as low as I've ever seen it. I did not note any sandpipers on the newly revealed mudflats there. But a yard near the pond was recently visited by a Great Blue Heron. 

Noted for warblers: only Common Yellowthroat and Yellow Warbler. 

Cedar Waxwings have begun flocking up. I came upon several active groups of them in berry bushes and blackberry patches. It was also fun watching bunches of goldfinches feeding on the sunflowers. 

Heard a Carolina Wren singing several times in the neighborhood of the brewery. Hopefully that species is re-establishing its foothold out there. 

I also distinctly heard a DICKCISSEL calling at one point, near the Trailing Yew, and spotted the bird as it flew over (so I know it wasn't a starling!), but it didn't land within my sight. 

While I didn't spot the three Ring-necked Pheasant chicks that I first saw back in late June, I was shown a very recent photo taken by someone who lives near where I saw them. All three are still hanging around together, and one of them is clearly a male—he's starting to get his lovely adult colors. 

On a non-avian note, it was heartening to see so many Monarchs out there. The nursery patch of milkweed at the Trailing Yew hosts many caterpillars and chrysalises, as well. Interestingly, I didn't see a single Lady of either species, when last year that was the predominant species in August. 

Headed back out in a couple of weeks, hopefully will have more to report then!


Kristen Lindquist

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