Saturday 12 January 2019

[Maine-birds] Slightly Revisded Directions to the Lawrence Crow Roost

Below are slightly revised directions to the Lawrence MA winter Crow Roost.

The next organized Crow Roost is tomorrow Sunday January 13th.

The opening of the Essex Art Center's all Crow art exhibit last night was wonderful and folks greatly enjoyed all the paintings, photos and videos on display. Note the gallery is not open to the public on week-ends.

Directions to Lawrence MA Crow Roost

  1. Be prepared to be amazed!
  2. Dress Warmly (hat, gloves, scarf, warm boots)
  3. Bring your binoculars, a camera if you choose, and a flashlight 

4.      Plan to arrive an hour before sunset. A sunny afternoon with not too high winds is best. 

5.      In Lawrence MA take Exit 43 off Rt. 495 and turn west onto Merrimack St.

6.      Turn right onto So. Union St.

7.      Park in the New Balance Factory Store Parking lot (on the east side of the street just south of the Merrimack River and Duck Bridge

8.      Park at the top (beginning) center or far left side of the parking lot facing north

9.      Look down river to the east (to your right) to look for crows flying in

10.  Watch where they are flying – it may be due west, to the west and landing on the north side of the river or flying south over the tall brick mill building to your right.

11.  If they are "staging" on the north side of the river, walk out on the east side of Duck bridge and watch from there

12.  If they are "staging" to the south, drive or walk to the parking garage on the corner of Merrimack and So. Union St. Plan to pay a nominal fee upon leaving the garage of $2 or $4 BY CREDIT CARD. The garage has two elevators. Drive or ride to the top, open parking level.  You get a grand view from the southwest corner of South Common Park with its tall leafless trees, and the roof of the B & D Warehouse building to the west of the garage. Keep looking with your binoculars to the west and northwest. You can see birds fly in from the west, south and east, and see to the north east South Canal St. (dirt, rutted track off Merrimack St. on the south side of the New Balance Building) with the truck depot and National Grid parking lots. Many birds will stage in the trees of the park initially and later move to the long brown roof of the storage building.

13.  Each elevator shaft has glass walls and is heated which makes for a wonderful viewing place on a very cold and/or windy afternoon. The one on the south side of the garage is very big and good for looking from as they begin to stage.  The NW area is good for watching them on the roof of the warehouse and flying off towards the roost.

14.  Once the birds have left their staging area (about sunset), and moved onto the roof, move to South Canal St. (drive carefully as there are many potholes).

15.  Look up on the wires for Fish Crows, look through the gate of the truck parking depot as some may be staging on the ground, look over the truck depot and National Grid parking area at the tops of the leafless trees on the south side of the river to see if the crows are going into the roost.

16.  Finally walk or drive go back to the New Balance Parking Lot and walk out on the west side of Duck bridge and at the narrow line of trees along the river. It will be dark now and the crows will be flying in to roost.

Check out our blog

Plan to attend the Crow Art Exhibit at the Essex Art Center

January 11th – March 15, 2019 | Monday to Friday 10‐6 pm 

56 Island St., Lawrence, MA 01840



North Andover, MA



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