Friday, 20 July 2012

[Maine-birds] Popham Beach - Dawn, low and ebbing

Popham Beach this morning featured fewer shorebirds than lately, possibly because with the very low tide at dawn, birds headed from their night-time roost directly over to Atkins Bay and up the Kennebec.  Likewise, there were far fewer Com Terns feeding within sight of the beach (as recent reports have alluded to), but large groups were hunting in Atkins Bay. 

Two sitting Least Terns remain at scrapes within the Piping Plover "colony".  Two others were foraging and carrying fish. 

Piping Plovers totaled 13 Ad., 11 Fledglings, and 5 more advanced young, today. 

Nearby Green Point provided views of more shorebirds foraging in Atkins Bay, and a Merlin was seen twice, the second time pursued by 6 Com Terns up the Kennebec.  First time I've seen that I think.  Both Bonies and Laughing Gulls are building in number here, and Willets are starting to gang up (20 together), typical for this spot.  They disappear from here long before they depart from Scarborough-Biddeford habs in the fall. 

Long Cove, as seen from the Parker Head Dam, had a few SBDowitchers, 48 GYLegs and 14 LYLegs. 

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