Sunday 21 July 2013

[Maine-birds] Little Gulls at Laudholm Farm Beach

Laudholm Farm Beach was where Bob Crowley and I headed this morning, and we were rewarded with three LIttle Gulls hanging with eight Bonaparte's Gulls in the estuary at the north end of the beach. A man and his daughters walked up to within about 10 feet and the gulls didn't budge so we knew we could get in close enough for a really good look. The Little Gulls were smaller, their bills were noticeably more petite, and what was most noticeable was their red legs vs the pink legs of the Bonaparte's Gulls.

This was our second try for these gulls so we were happy to find them. Shorebirds are starting to return too - 50+ each of semi sandpipers and semi plovers, to join the local breeders. Least, common and roseate terns were all present as well. 

It was so pleasant out there, now that the heat and humidity have been dialed down a notch. A perfect day. 

Joe Scott
Chatham, NH


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