Friday 19 July 2013

[Maine-birds] merlin babies

My kids, wife, and I just found a merlin nest on Moosehorn National Wildlife Refuge in Calais.  The nest is in a "witch's broom half way up a tamarack tree and is covered in discarded down, gently trembling in the breeze.  Two baby merlins, still adorned with an aura of fluffy down at the tips of their feathers, had "branched out" from the nest onto limbs in the tree.  Very cute.  An adult merlin kept guard from the top of the tamarack, but only felt it necessary to call one time when my boys made too much of a commotion.  The other adult must have been out trying to obtain an evening meal for their youngsters.
Yesterday, both adults made quite a racket in the same location and dive bombed my kids, but my kids didn't see the nest or juveniles yesterday.
That was a good way for the Brown family to end the week!
--Ray Brown--


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