Sunday, 1 July 2012

[Maine-birds] N. Goshawk again (breeding?) on Long Pond Fire Rd., Acadia NP

Hi all -- took a repeat morning walk just now on the Long Pond Fire Road in Seal Cove, Acadia NP, MDI. Walked the stretch between the Duck Pond spur road and the Pine Hill cul de sac. Mid-way along that stretch I heard repeated wails of a N. Goshawk, replicas of the audible found in iBird Pro (second audible, called "wail") and in Birds of North America online (called "juvenile wail call"). They came in triplets, and I heard them at least three times.

Also on this walk:
Swainson's and Hermit Thrush calling
Brown Creeper seen & heard
G-c Kinglet
Blackburnian, B-t Green and Ovenbird
W-t Sparrow & D-e Junco

At the Duck Pond: Common Yellowthroat and Mallard with 4 chicks (hiding well)

At the Hodgdon Pond outlet: Belted Kingfisher

Craig K

Maine birds mailing list


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