Wednesday 23 May 2012

[Maine-birds] faux finch debackle just shoot me

First, thanks to ALL of you for your el rapido responses about my finch pickle, best if served cold.
All agree, White Winged Crossbills. Thanks to Norm for suggesting cross referencing the call notes. In deed, clearly White Winged is what I was listening to. I have put a link below to (Cornell) which always has good audio to go by. I could switch back and forth between the two finch fiends sounds for comparison. I stink at audio, even worse than my visual ids, so it was very helpful to do that. Not that I'll retain it, but......... And thanks to all you guys up north for your input, of course, assumed to be right on in the first place since you are all in the piney woods swatting mosquitos and playing poker with moose. Hey! Bob, Barry and Bill, I can see you all now, like one of those on velvet paintings of dogs around a card table playing poker and smoking cigars, debating about finches and all. :) HA!
Lastly, the other link below is to my gallery of eBird images, of which I have just put up 8 that are the bird in question, including one of the Yellow-rumped with one of the White-winged females which gives a great size reference. if anyone hasn't already had more than enough of this insanity, click there for more images.
So listen, ya gotta give it to me for an odd ball bird here in the Burg in the first place, and hey, I got the crossbill part right. Good thing they didn't have antlers. RRR!i=1864633646&k=72X63mL

Robin R Robinson
Birding The Burg

"On the internet", the dog using the keyboard reassures his canine friend, "nobody knows you're a Dog."



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