Friday 5 June 2020

[Maine-birds] This Week's Highlights and New Arrivals, 5/30-6/5

Hi all,
My observations of note over the past seven days included:
- 1 continuing territorial LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSH, Elmwood Trail, Pownal, 5/30.
- 1 pair Long-tailed Ducks, Pine Point, Scarborough, 5/31.
- 2 singing CLAY-COLORED SPARROWS (FOY), and what may have been a third bird near one of the singing males, and 1 Blue-gray Gnatcatcher, Kennebunk Plains, 6/1 (with Jeannette).
- a goodly number of passage migrants at Biddeford Pool on 6/2 including: 13 Blackpoll Warblers, 5 Magnolia Warblers, 1 Black-throated Blue Warbler, 1 Wilson's Warbler, 1 Black-throated Green Warbler, and all or likely most of the 27 American Redstarts.
- 1 continuing adult male ORCHARD ORIOLE, Capisic Pond Park, Portland, 6/3.
- confirmed a pair of LOUISIANA WATERTHRUSHES present once again in their usual spot at Morgan Meadow WMA, 6/5.

And my personal FOY's were as follows (although someof the species listed have been present at those productive locations for a up to several weeks in some cases):
-Scarborough Marsh, 5/31: White-rumped Sandpiper, Saltmarsh and Nelson's Sparrows, and Roseate Tern.
- 1 continuing WHITE-FACED IBIS, Eastern Road Trail, 5/31 (year 12 of annual WFIB in the marsh).
- Kennebunk Plains, 6/1 (with Jeannette): UPLAND SANDPIPER, GRASSHOPPER and Vesper Sparrows.
- 2 AMERICAN OYSTERCATCHERS, Ocean Avenue, Biddeford Pool, 6/2.
- 1 Willow Flycatcher, The Pool, Biddeford Pool, 6/2.
- 1 Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Evergreen Cemetery, Portland, 6/3 with one later at Capisic Pond Park. 



 Derek and Jeannette Lovitch

 Freeport Wild Bird Supply

 541 Route One, Suite 10

 Freeport, ME 04032




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