Sunday 21 June 2020

[Maine-birds] Whippoorwill magic, Industry

Greetings, crepuscular bird-loving friends! To share the nightjar joy, celebrate Summer and totally date myself musically, please indulge me as I cheezily paraphrase some 1980s Donna Summer lyrics: "I'm so excited — woo-wee! — and I just can't hide it! We've got a "probable" breeding Whippoorwill and his call is magic!" 

I first started hearing the EWPW in the last week of May. He called for extended periods close to the house for 6 nights. Then I didn't hear him again for about 10 nights. I was so bummed! I thought he had probably passed on our scruffy little meadow and raggedy clearcut woods. But no! He was just calling from further downslope, and calling for shorter periods (seemingly) only at twilight and predawn. 

Yesterday evening, as the long day waned, I excused myself from a conversation with guests and stood outside for a bit. I could hear our local Veery, Hermit Thrush and Eastern Wood-Pewee against a background of American Toads and insects. Lightning bugs were everywhere. Our Barred Owl pair joined the chorus, followed closely by a lone coyote. Then the Whippoorwill took his solo from just beside the deck. 

Donna Summer could never match that.

Peace & good night birding,
Scott Cronenweth
Industry, ME


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