Friday, 13 July 2012

[Maine-birds] Re: Weskeag on 7/13/12

I was there yesterday, walked the out to the back pool, not much more to add, though I noted well over 80 dowitchers, 20ish Semisands and a single semipalmated plover, as well. A Lesser Yellowlegs was making a bizarre single-noted whistle, but nothing seemed atypical for the species plumage-wise - probably just an odd vocalization. No sign of Little Blues or Glossies. 

I also lost my lens hood there, if anyone happens upon it, I would be really thankful.

The only other interesting (to me) sighting of late was a single Red-bellied Woodpecker at the UMaine Darling Center in Walpole. Carolina Wrens, Red-bellied Woodpeckers - it is like being back in Rhode Island!

Eric LoPresti
Walpole, Maine

On Friday, July 13, 2012 7:39:14 AM UTC-4, reimer6117 wrote:
Shorebird numbers are building daily. In roadside pools at 7 a.m.: 58
s-b dowitchers; 11 lesser yellowlegs; 3 greater yellowlegs; 3
killdeer; 8 least sand; 1 semi-pal sand.


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