Sunday 28 April 2013

[Maine-birds] More White-faced Ibis at Scarborough - there may possibly be more than three adults

Robby Lambert and I birded Scarborough marsh yesterday afternoon and came across two adult White-faced Ibis behind Pelreco, including the super bright white faced male photographed by Andy Aldrich, whom we named "Clown" for the prominent white markings.  He was associating with another adult White-face and they remained within 30 feet of each other during the time we saw them.  There was a third "white-face" type but with gray legs.  We didn't see this bird well and it may have been a hybrid.  It wasn't a Glossy.  These three did not associate with a group of 20+ Glossy Ibis in the same area.

Later in the afternoon we came across another male White-faced Ibis near by Eastern Road.  This one was not super white like Clown.  It's possible that it was the bird associating with Clown but we weren't able to determine whether that bird was a male or female.  But our guess is that the Eastern Road bird represents a third individual which was closely associated with a flock of 40+ Glossy Ibis.

We met a birder who mentioned seeing a White-face along rt. 1 recently.  All these sightings could represent a maximum of three adult White-faced Ibis plus a hybrid, or there could be additional white-face types on the marsh.  Perhaps this can only be resolved by getting good pics, not particularly easy when they spend so much time foraging in the mud and grass.  But, if you get good pics, send them along to Doug (he'll be thrilled to learn this!) and perhaps he and Louis can parse this apart in greater detail.

Also of interest, a Pectoral Sandpiper at Dunstan, a Bank Swallow at Pelreco, and a Gloria Carson sighting at Perlecro, easily best bird of the day!

Best, Peter


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