Sunday 22 November 2020

[Maine-birds] SNOWY OWL, LAPLAND LONGSPUR, etc. Clarry Hill

We enjoyed watching a SNOWY OWL on Clarry Hill this morning--I saw it fly in from the southwest and land atop one of the stone walls running through the blueberry fields. Paul, Juanita Roushdy, and I watched it there for a while from fairly far away. It then flew from there to fly up over the summit and out of sight. There were a lot of walkers on the roads, as well as some noisy farm work going on, and we didn't see it settle again. But we watched it for quite a while (with Kit Pfeiffer et al) as it soared high over the hill. Last seen soaring away to the northwest of the summit. 

Other highlights of the outing included two snazzy LAPLAND LONGSPURS, feeding with at least two Snow Buntings in the dirt road, a small flock of Horned Larks, and a vocal flock of E. Bluebirds just beyond the parking area.


Kristen Lindquist
Camden, ME

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--Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

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