Friday, 13 July 2012

[Maine-birds] Least Terns at Popham Beach

In addition to building numbers of shorebirds, I found evidence of nesting by Least Tern this morning.  There from 5:24 - 9:05 A.M.  Maximum of 9 birds seen at any one time.  Much feeding of young birds by adults, invariably carrying Ammodytes dubius .  Aggression by a sitting bird directed toward another adult, altho' latter carrying food.  Feeding (diving) in the surf zone (not the lagoon).  Bird sitting in a scrape w/ 2 eggs.  (Scrape located behind string).  Photos of young birds' plumage.  Much of the activity took place in a single spot on the open beach, like a 'feeding station'. 

However, one young-of-the-year had a silver band on its right "ankle".  I don't think there has been banding activity recently at Popham, so at least this bird must have come from another colony, perhaps Stratton I., maybe Seawall Beach??  Maybe another, nearby, isolated, private beach?? 

4 recent fledgling Piping Plovers were accompanied by 2 adults near the isolated nest.  On my return I noticed only one young.  The gull predation here must be fierce.  The area around this one exclosure lacks any vegetation at all, just wrack. 

Shorebirds included:
BBPlover (new batch)
Semi Plover
Semi Sands
Lst Sands

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