Saturday 29 September 2012


Well, it was a nice nap. More correctly an afternoon in that half-
awake state where you sort of realize that the television is turned on
but you neither know nor care what program is playing.

The rain is intermittent and the wind is down but the increasing fog
has visibility down to 100 metres. The birds are beginning to forage a
bit, trying to feed before dark.
They still need to be vigilant, though. At least 4 KESTRELS, 2 SHARP
SHINNED HAWKS and a PEREGRINE are perched and hungry.

Although not a direct threat, there are 2 OSPERY here at the houses.
One is perched on a radio antenna about 5 feet above our kitchen door.
The second is perched on the railing beside the front door of the
other house.
Both would undoubtedly stay the night and well into tomorrow if
Unfortunately I will have to venture outside at some point this
evening and one of the guests will likely leave for "safer" quarters.

Last night was so nice that migrants shouldn't be backed up but with
today's weather and the forecasts for the next several days I'm
looking for a later-season fallout night over the next 3 days.

Maine birds mailing list


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