Tuesday 27 October 2020

[Maine-birds] SSDW (Same Siskins, Different Warbler) Tennessee Warbler Cumberland

Noticed a large uptick in almost all the species that were present yesterday. Most species nearly doubled including the Pine Siskins and the Dark Eyed Juncos were even further. 

The pleasant surprise of the day was a female Tennessee Warbler working the tree line. It seemed to be moving through with a group of juncos and white-throated sparrows, spending time in the saplings and kicking around the leaf litter at the end of the forest. I had blown a large amount of the leaves from the yard over there on Saturday and I am now wondering if I had stirred up the area making it food more readily accessible for them.  

Not going to analyze it too much. Seems better just to enjoy it. 


Rob O'Connell 

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