Sunday 26 January 2014

[Maine-birds] No Thayer's Gull this afternoon in Fairfield

No go on the Thayer's this afternoon. I arrived to the Shawmut dam around 2pm and there were not a whole lot of gulls to speak of, but 15 Iceland Gulls (14 1st cycle and 1 3rd cycle) were above the dam amongst the mere 65-75 gulls.

I ran into birder Bruce Cole about 20 minutes later and we were treated to a large flock of Goldeneyes (120-150 or better) below the dam that would drift downstream with the current and eventually fly en masse back up towards the dam. As the birds drifted by us again we counted 4 drakes and 1 hen Barrow's float by. I noticed from my photos when I got home that 2-3 hens were present so at least 6-7 Barrow's Goldeneye's are in the area! Bruce also picked out a continuing Northern Pintail on the Flood Brothers side of the river with Mallards and Black Ducks.

We checked Flood Bros. after (Bruce had already been here before I ran into him at the dam with no luck on THGU) and there were no gulls present. 11 Horned Larks was cool though.

Bird haahd,
Noah Gibb-Portland


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