Thursday 23 January 2014

[Maine-birds] Phippsburg TV pic

Phippsburg Me map 6 Totman Cove
Pic of Turkey vulture reported yesterday here Photo is poor quality as it was almost dark out on an also dark, gray day. I had a service person working on my DSL, so could not devote my full attention to the birds. I saw the TV while the technician was working on my internet connection. However, I did get 28 species without leaving my living room, including a Northern Shrike, which I have seen again today. Appears to be same bird which is landing on the exact same tip of a balsam every time it shows up. Great bird, but the trade is that ALL of the feeder birds clear out for a couple of hours. It is almost predictable enough that if I look out and there is a suspicious absence of feeder birds, I start looking around for the shrike.
Raptors seem to be picking up, RT hawk, Bald eagles and Sharpie all here.
Robin R Robinson


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